MTU Aero Engines AG is a leading manufacturer of engine modules and components as well as complete aircraft engines and industrial gas turbines. The maintenance area at the Brandenburg site needed a new cleaning machine, as the existing machine no longer met the requirements.
Components and assemblies from aerospace technology must be regularly inspected, maintained and cleaned. This includes mechanically highly stressed components such as rolling bearings or turbine blades.
In the cleaning machine designed by Röscher, components weighing up to 35 kg can be cleaned using a cold cleaner. The coarse dirt particles of the components are dissolved in a bath of cold cleaning agent. Then the components are sprayed manually with a spray gun and the fine particles are removed. In the last step, the components are blown dry with a compressed air gun. Safe working is ensured by a sealed safety door with handles. An extraction system reduces the concentration of aerosols inside the machine.
The system has two closed circuits for the cleaning agent and the waste. The filling and emptying of the containers works automatically with suction pipes into external barrels.
That’s what our customer MTU says:
“Röscher understood the requirements for the new system well and implemented them quickly. Especially the easy handling is an advantage for the operators in their daily work. A Röscher employee was also quickly on site when a sensor failed and was able to repair the system on the same day.
Dr. Gero Heusler
Managing Director
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